How to Install the Elastic Nato / Paratrooper Strap

A nato strap is a timeless classic in the watch world, known for its durability, versatility, and comfort. The paratrooper strap takes it a step further, providing an even more comfortable and flexible fit. If you're ready to upgrade your watch with a paratrooperΒ strap, follow this step-by-step guide to ensure a seamless installation process.

Step-by-Step Guide to Install the Elastic Nato / Paratrooper Strap

Tools You'll Need

Before you begin, gather the following tools to ensure a smooth strap replacement:

  1. Elastic NATO Strap: Ensure you have the correct width for your watch's lug size.
  2. Spring Bar Tool: Useful for removing and installing spring bars.
  3. Quick Release Spring Bars: (Optional) In case your existing ones are damaged or don't fit well with the new strap.

Step 1: Install the Elastic NATO Strap

  • Identify the Strap's Direction: The watch head should be placed in between the two keepers. Notice the orientation of the watch and the watch strap in the guide below.

  • Secure the Strap with Spring Bars: With the strap in place, insert the spring bars into the lug holes. Repeat for the other lug. Make sure the strap is secure and the spring bars are seated properly.
  • Strap it on: Insert your wrist in the strap, pull the hook and latch it on the keeper

Step 2: Adjust the Fit

  • Find the Right Placement for the Keeper: for aΒ looser fit, adjust the keeper downwards. For a tighter fit, adjust it upwards. You can also adjust the watch head closer to the first keeper upwards so there is more space for adjustments.

With the paratrooper strap installed and adjusted, you're ready to wear your watch with comfort and style. These straps are versatile and can complement various watch styles, from military-inspired to casual or even dressy.

Now that you know how to install a paratrooper watch strap, enjoy the added comfort and unique style it brings to your watch collection.

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